The finish of your bell lends agreat deal to it's aesthetic appearance. Paccard brings special care to thework of finishing and offers you eight choices of finition.
Brushed Finish
Opposite is the result obtained from the technique of Brushed Finish. The brushed finish is achieved by use of a metallic brush tosmooth out the surface of the bell, removing small grains from the casting andsmall projections of bronze. The brushing technique is applied evenly to theentire surface of the bell and gives a homogenous and rustic finish. Thisfinish is very economical.Without a finish protection, the bell will begin to developa patina over time. This patina is developed slowly or quickly depending uponthe local atmospheric conditions, humidity, salt, air, etc...
Mirror Polished Finish
The mirror polish is a technique to finsh the bell to spectacular beauty. By the use of special felt brushes and polish materials, the bronze becomes brilliant ans almost reflective as a mirror. The finish almost seems to make the bell seems luminescent.
Without a finish
protection, the bell will begin to developa patina over time. This
patina is developed slowly or quickly depending uponthe local
atmospheric conditions, humidity, salt, air, etc...
Antique green Patina Finish
An antique patina is applied once the bell is brushed and finely sandblasted over the entire surface, including the borders, the inscriptions, the shoulder, decorations and crown. This homogenous finish allows a consistent finish of the Antique Green Patina. The patina provides protection from the surface of the bell.
Brown Acajou Patina Finish
antique patina is applied once the bell is brushed and finely
sandblasted over the entire surface, including the borders,
the inscriptions, the shoulder, decorations and crown. This homogenous
finish allows a consistent finish of the Brown Acajou Patina.The patina provides protection from the surface of the bell.
Cherry Patina Finish
antique patina is applied once the bell is brushed and finely
sandblasted over the entire surface, including the borders,
the inscriptions, the shoulder, decorations and crown. This homogenous
finish allows a consistent finish of the Cherry Patina. The patina provides protection from the surface of the bell.
Black Patina Finish
antique patina is applied once the bell is brushed and finely
sandblasted over the entire surface, including the borders,
the inscriptions, the shoulder, decorations and crown. This homogenous
finish allows a consistent finish of the black Patina. The patina provides protection from the surface of the bell.