
Where to order, buy a bell for a church in Africa

La Fonderie Paccard à AnnecWhre to find to buy a church bell for africa countryela Liberty Bell

Regular manufacture of bells for churches in Africa

We regularly deliver bells to African countries following requests for church bells.
Depending on the type of church, the request relates either to a bell set in flight and with manual ringing (rope) or by a bell in a fixed position which will be rung by a cord attached to the end of the clapper inside the bell.
The church in Africa has or not previously had a steeple. Our bell model, supplied with a plan, makes it possible to adapt to the planned configuration.
Where to find or to buy or oder a church bell for a church in foreing country, africa

A bell that must be heard for the call to mass.

The bells are made of bronze, for bell, (78% copper and 22% tin) guaranteeing a perfect sound.
The range of the sound of the bell will depend on many factors including:
- the mass (bronze weight) of the bell: the heavier it is, the more it will be heard from afar);
- the height where it will be placed, (the higher it is, the more the vibrations (sound) will spread.
- the absence of obstacles that would prevent the sound of the bell from spreading.
Regular bell orders are for the following models:
- bell 39 cm in diameter at the base, bronze weight of 48 kg: count a budget of approximately 4 500 € for the equipped bell.
- bell 50 cm in diameter at the base, bronze weight of 89 kg: count a budget of 6 000 € for the equipped bell.
These bells are delivered with their steel frame, bearings, wheel and leaf, ready to be installed.
Church bell in a wooden bo ready for a shipment to an african country

Packing of the bell for shipping.

The Paccard Foundry generally takes care of shipping the bell, either to the customer's freight forwarder in France, or directly to the airport or port of destination in the country.
An estimate of the cost of transport is submitted beforehand to the customer. The export by our care allows establishing an invoice without French VAT.
The bell is placed in a clean wooden case for export. We stay in contact with the customer to best facilitate the steps to be taken for the proper customs clearance of the bell upon arrival in the country.
Electrified church bells installed in an African country

Request for several bells and/or electrification.

The request for several bells and electrification (swinging motor, electric ringing) complicates the request because of the geographical distance to allow the installation and maintenance of the equipment.
However, the Paccard Foundry found the solution for these many customers in Asia by preparing the bells in advance in metal belfries.
The bells are installed in these metal "cubes" with their fly motor and their ringing and out the electrical wiring. They are tested and adjusted before placing them in boxes for export.
The clock for controlling the bells is programmed in advance according to the customer's wishes, and assistance by video communication is provided.
This is a solution that is still expensive, but which saves the high cost of installation by a team of fitters from the Pacard Foundry given the great geographical distance.
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