Paccard Foundry and the Liberty Bell
1950: Order of 54 replicas
Commissioned by Governor William Penn, the original bell was cast in 1752 in England (which is visible in profile). However, an accident during his trip to America, the bell was recast by American founders (Pass & Stow) in 1753. Experienced little to cast bells, they should take it twice ... July 4, 1776, in Philadelphia, the famous bell ringing proclamation of Independence and became a national symbol.
But in 1855, lack of maintenance, his voice definitely off. It then undergoes repairs do only enlarge the crack ... until in 1950, the U.S. Federal Government gives the foundry PACCARD achieving 54 replicas of the famous bell.
Manufacturing replicas
The original bell is the "Memorial Bicentennial" in Philadelphia. More than 300 aftershocks have been melted by the foundry PACCARD, one for each state of the United States. The inscriptions on the bell are:
"Proclaim Liberty Throughout all the land unto all the Inhabitants thereof " Leviticus chap.25 verse X "
"I proclaim liberty throughout the land to all those who live there," and the names of the two American craftsmen who redesigned the original. For the sake of authenticity, cracks appeared on the original was played on his lines by the method of lost wax. A fake crack wax was then placed on each mold, giving the illusion of a real crack on each replica. Because we naturally wanted these replica ring! The Liberty Bell is a very expensive bell heart of Americans and we can be proud to say that there is a French bell, a cheese bell, bell PACCARD in every U.S. state |
Treat yourself to a replica in scale 1/6
Paccard Foundry offers a replica of the original model of the Liberty Bell at the 1/6 scale. The base diameter of the bell is 200mm.
The decoration shows the main elements of the original bell, which imitate the crack as the Paccard Foundry was postponed on 54 replicas of the original.
The base is steel. The wooden frame and equipment are faithful to the original model.